Friday, March 10, 2017


To all atheists or free thinkers...I have a few very legitimate questions. One is, when did you change your name to "free thinkers" and why? Is it because 'ATHEISM' does not exist because everyone has faith or trust in something or someone unseen? You believe George Washington existed, don't you? Have you seen him? Do you honestly have more proof that he existed than you do that Jesus Christ existed? No, actually you do not. You THINK you do but in reality, you're taking man's word that he did. The same with Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Caesar, Alexander the Great, and many others, So, therefore atheism cannot exist and is an oxymoronic term.
So you claim to be free thinkers now? Do you study every single piece of information to uphold your POV, including the Bible? If so, you are still letting "man" tell you what to think. There is actually more evidence that Jesus Christ existed than there is for Caesar. You have to KNOW how to read the Bible, to KNOW what it really says and means and really study it and read it with an open mind and heart or else it won't make sense to you ever.

So if you don't believe in God because your life sucks, and you blame it on YHWH God, you need to realize that He is not the "god of this world." That thing satan is the "prince of the air." God is NOT to blame for your problems, it's YOUR bad choices or your love of money and pleasure of the flesh that's the cause. I know because I'm a lifetime believer but something horrible that no one should ever endure occurred to my husband and me a while back. I blamed God. I even said I don't believe in Him anymore but yet I continued being mad as hell at Him. One day, that still, small voice said to me, "so you don't believe in Me anymore. Tell me this, HOW can you possibly be MAD at SOMEONE who DOES NOT EXIST? It changed my life because I started taking responsibility for my choices and realized I caused it, to a certain extent. Most true Christians have questioned their faith at some point in their life. It's the ones who overcome their doubts that do the best.
The Bible never promises anyone, especially the believer, a problem-free life. In fact, we will go through more tribulations and persecution than anyone on earth. However, when you let Him lead your life, you come out of your trials so much better off that it's almost miraculous.
So if you really are a free thinker, think for yourself and never let any man decide for you. Man is a proven liar...everyone of us. Evolution is a fallacy because if it were so, we'd still be evolving yet we are devolving rapidly...morally, physically and Spiritually. To a huge degree, even intellectually as we aren't making anything new, we're building on old technology. We are not progressing EXCEPT in maybe the cure for cancer via Immunotherapy. My sister was given 6-8 months to live. She is cancer-free 2 years now of Stage 4 metastatic lung cancer to the brain. God is still healing today but we all die at some point.
Please, give Jesus Christ a chance to show Himself to you. All you have to do is ask and believe that He will. You don't need a "sign" or expect how He will but I assure you He will. Stop believing man and learn the truth of the Bible. If you still decide there is no God, then remember that God NEVER sends anyone to hell, YOU CHOOSE THAT FOR YOURSELF so don't come at me with that nonsense. You have free will. He doesn't force you to choose Him but He accepts everyone, from the worst person on earth to the greatest. He is all-inclusive no matter what you've done.


First Corinthians 15:1-11
Ephesians 2:8-9
Acts 8:37
John 3:16-17
John 1:1

We ALL are Sinners in Need of our Savior, Jesus Christ

Romans 3:23 and 6:23

God bless you all, much love in Yeshua ha Messiach (Jesus Christ) and LOVE MUCH in Jesus Christ.

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