Sunday, March 5, 2017


"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."  From the "Sermon on the Mount"

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Blessed are the....fill in the blank.  If you are a follower of Yeshua ah Messiach (Christ Jesus), we are a blessed community and family.  Blessed are those that mourn, who is persecuted, the pure in spirit, etc.  Have you ever thought about these words spoken by our God and Savior in Matthew 5 in the GREATEST sermon ever given?  Do you feel blessed even when you go through trials and tribulations?  When there is sin in your life you feel you can't overcome?  I don't always "feel" blessed.  I get angry and confused and like King David and many of our other Biblical heroes, I feel as if YHWH has forsaken me.  I bet if we are all honest with our self, we must admit that at times, we do get angry with God, feel forsaken and maybe like we've been rejected.  When things don't go my way, even though I prayed and just knew in my heart that He would pave the way and all would go as planned.

When I surrendered my life to Him, almost 4 1/2 years ago, I made plans...big plans on what I was going to do and not do.  There's a joke that goes like this...if you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.  Although I felt as though my plans would make Him happy, the only thing that happened was I failed at 95% of them.  I didn't like organized religious services so I decided to go it alone.  I didn't need a building to attend with a bunch of hypocrites that knew less about salvation by grace than I did.  I didn't need or want to fellowship with them and, to be honest, I still don't.  I want true fellowship but after deciding that not going to church just wasn't working, I went to quite a few and left feeling depressed. I made all sorts of excuses and, for a long time, I had no choice but to rely on internet church.  I still do and always will for as long as I feel that's God's choice for my life.  However, I finally found a church that not only fits all my hopes in a church as far as my needs are concerned but also one I feel that the Holy Spirit led me to attend.

One of the problems I found was even though I offered to help in any capacity, I was turned down.  One was more of a necessary detail to endure to get to the ice cream social after it was over than one to lead sinners to Christ Jesus.  Another preached that God doesn't really answer prayers today and there are no true miracles.  I can assure you that He does indeed answer our prayers but His time and ours are not always the same.  So, if you pray for something and it doesn't happen when you want it to, remember that His ways and time are not ours.  He always gives us what we need even if it's not what we asked for and it is always infinitely better than what we wanted.  I also believe that He uses this time to teach us things like faith, patience, trust, etc.  

I wish I could tell you what He has done for me but it would take too long.  I will share this.  As you know, He brought us to Florida and gave us a life that we'd never had before.  My husband had a good job after 3 years of unemployment in North Carolina and a nice home.  For 2 years, it was good but violence surrounded us in the past few months.  A friend was shot in the head about 3 months ago and is still in the hospital.  We know people whose family members have been murdered and going out to the car was dangerous.  I made myself a prisoner in my own home.  At the last minute, He provided us with an awesome home in a community that I love by His grace.  I am no longer a prisoner, have found the perfect church for me and a whole new purpose in life.  I am going to learn sign language.  My pastor mentioned me signing songs tonight during service and when I told him I was just learning, He encouraged me to learn to fulfill a need in the church.  I have a purpose and something real I can do now to bring glory to our God and Savior, Jesus Christ (who I prefer calling Yeshua ah Messiach).  

So, if you feel God isn't listening or ignoring you, rest assured He is hearing you.  However, our prayers need to be in line with His purposes, not our own.  Did I want a new home in Riverside, a place where I can walk anywhere I want and is very safe,  I didn't even have to ask Him, He KNOWS and He provides.  Honestly, I felt if I had to live another year in my old apartment, being a prisoner, I'd literally go insane.  Being socially isolated and homebound is a horrible way to live.  Do you know someone like that?  If so, DO SOMETHING.  Not only will you be helping out another person and making their life so much better, you will be bringing glory to God and maybe even leading them to our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Giving isn't just about tithing 10% to a church.  We aren't even required to tithe.  However, if you are blessed to have a church that teaches the truth, where you feel you are at home, give all you can.  So many false prophets tell you to "sow seeds" or to give to get back 7 fold or more.  If you want to invest money, hire an accountant and don't treat God as your banker.  Give without expectation of a thing.  Give because others desperately need help and because if you don't support your church, you won't have one for long.  Don't worry if you don't have exactly 10% because we are to give all we can.  We are to give cheerfully.  Whatever the Spirit leads me to give, I will give.  I don't get caught up in percentages.  Also, to tell others not to pay their bills or rent when it takes every dime they make to live, can cause problems.  Let God lead others to do His will.  I give all I can, to my church and to strangers.  We have very little extra money at the end of the month and I always give something and I get way more back but it's not always financially.  I'd rather have His blessings than money.  

The last 2 years were hard on me.  However, I stayed faithful to Him and put my faith and trust in Him when at times, I felt it would be easier to just go back to living for this world.  I'd lost my family because of political differences and also because all of my family, except for my sister, don't believe.  They mock God to me and really put down my faith, except for my daughter Karen.  She is an unbeliever but God is in control of her salvation.  I keep the lines open and let Him do what He does best.  Our faith will be tested and when it gets tough, hold on.  He's about to work in a big way in your life.  You are a blessed people!

Gospel of Salvation by Grace...Spread the Good News

First Corinthians 15:1-11
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 3:16-17
John 1:1
Romans 3:23 and 6:23 - We all are sinners in need of a Savior!

Much love and LOVE MUCH in Christ Jesus/Yeshua ah Messiach!

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