Saturday, February 4, 2017


Should we say God or YWVY?

In today's world, I hear God being used by many different religions.  First, I don't view being a Christian as being "religious" in any way.  So when we say "God," the world (unbelievers) don't have much of an issue with this because God's name is thrown around like, well, the word "like."  Muslims call their god God.  Should we, as Christians, use the word God when talking about the Most High?  I use to and in my home I do but more and more I find myself using the Name of God as YWVY and Jesus Christ as Yeshua ah Messiach.  I doubt seriously it matters to Him but as for me, I have found using His Name draws me closer to Him.  I also like others knowing to whom I am referring.  I want to be "set apart."

Now I realize that Jehovah's Witnesses will say I'm only to use the name "Jehovah" but there is a major problem with that name.  To my knowledge, there is no "J" sound in any form of Hebrew or Aramaic, the most ancient form of Hebrew which was spoken by Yeshua,  Jehovah is a combination of Elohim and Adenoi OR it is just another spelling of Yah or Yahwey (which we really do not know exactly how to pronounce) which is actually spelled YWVY OR YWYW.  So by that should we even use the American name "Jesus" with a "J" sound?  

I'm not a Jehovah's Witness nor align myself with either the Sacred Name or Hebrew Roots Movements.  This is a dark world with the vast majority of it being secular or atheists.  I'm seeing things today that sure seem to be fulfilling prophecy.  2016 was the first year in history where Christians were the most martyred group of people.  That doesn't include the tortured, imprisoned or persecuted but only those killed.  

Is this dangerous?  It could be, I won't lie but I do believe in today's world we should be very specific on Who we stand for.  So as for me and my house, I will serve YWVY!  May He bless all as salvation is for everyone, not limited to sex, race, creed or national origin.  Everyone on earth can be saved by trusting and belief that Yeshua ah Messiach (Jesus Christ) is Lord and our God and Messiah.  BTW, Yeshua means "salvation."

Let the earth declare His glory!

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