Wednesday, November 9, 2016


I may have posted this before but  I feel that today is a day to hear it again...or for the first time.  We've just been through one long year.  There is so much hatred, fear, division and broken relationships because of our choices of candidates.  I am a firm believer in Christians voting.  Many believe it is being to concerned about the world and we are not to be a part of the world.  I believe that verse is one that is misused and misquoted far too often.  Even by not voting, you are still making a choice and one that can be very dangerous.  We have to vote for the ones who will protect our right to worship Jesus Christ. We must stand up and speak for the unborn and laws that go against the Word of God.  To not vote is like saying that you don't care what happens to your future generations.  It matters.  

However, many friends and family have severed relationships because of differences.  While this election was critical, our personal relationships are what matters most on this earth, only our personal relationship with Jesus Christ comes first.  The matter is settled and we must pray for our new leaders.  We fight the greatest battles on our knees.  I have heard so many people say that they feel we had to literally choose between good and evil.  

Let's get back to the Word of God and mend all these relationships.  Forgive yourself, forgive others and repent for the things you said and the things you didn't say but should have.  Forgive.  Let it go and let's get on to uniting and WE THE PEOPLE initiating the change we need in America and let's start with leading as many as we can to the love and salvation of Christ Jesus.  The plan of Salvation is at the very bottom of my page if anyone needs it.  God bless and forgive me if I have hurt or offended anyone unless the name Jesus Christ offends you.  God bless and spread the Gospel!


1 comment:

  1. I guess that depends on your own personal conviction. I can not and will not vote for those who appear to lack moral fiber. When I don't see or feel anyone is qualified I will no cast a vote for him or her. I will trust God's Hand in all things despite what any man or woman says. I will never be goated by man to vote for people I do not trust or can not trust. I will continue to share the Gospel and trust the Lord.
