Monday, September 5, 2016


I'm sharing these videos not to scare you as they aren't fear-mongering as many are use to seeing.  These are stories about what is going on in the world as far as wars, weather, UFOs, and many other real-time occurrences in the world today.  Some will even be about dreams and visions.  The ones I share are the ones that may vastly differ but at the end, the message is all the same.  

Let me also say a few things.  One, I am not saying we are in the end times NOR am I saying we are not.  God hasn't revealed that to me nor do I think He will.  What I strongly feel I told me...yes, God speaks to me but I not audibly.  Well, maybe a few times but more on that later.  We may not be in the end times BUT...we should live as if we are.  In fact, we only know we have right now, this very minute to accept the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  It's free and easy.  You won't come to Him intellectually.  Your mind is an enmity to God.  Faith is trust and belief in things unseen and unknown.  It's not hard.  Everybody has faith in something or someone unseen.

For example, we have faith that if we paid our bill and there are no outages, if we turn on our electrical appliances, most will come on, if not all.  We can't see electricity but we trust it works.  It does!  If not, we KNOW we either forgot to pay the bill or the "thing" that didn't work is broken.  Not too difficult, right?

We all know that George Washington was born and became the first president of the United States of America.  How?  We weren't alive then and we sure can't talk to him now.  He's dead and buried.  How do we know?  Because there is sufficient information in books written by men who were eyewitnesses to his life.  No one doubts his existence or most of what's written about him.  There's legends, like the cherry tree and throwing a silver dollar across a river, but we believe that most of what we hear is true.  He's a man.  How many people died or lived their lives in fear of telling about his life?  Probably none!  I feel pretty safe in saying that.  

However, when it comes to Christ Jesus and the Bible, people just cannot believe it's true. Do you honestly think these men and women were less intelligent than us?  I say the opposite is more likely to be true.  After all, they had to read books, memorize things, use very rudimentary tools, yet they not only managed to survive but thrive.  Babylon is still known today as THE richest and greatest empire that ever existed.  The accuracy of the book of Daniel has been examined because it is so right than many felt he had to have written it after the fall of Babylon.  The good news, it passed the test of time.

Jesus Christ's disciples, except for John, were all killed for spreading the Gospel of Christ Jesus.  They devoted their entire lives in terror to get the news out to the world.  The early church consisted of Jews.  How many people do you know that is that willing to die for a lie? Not many!  The Bible is still the most sold and most unread book of all times.  It is also the most misunderstood.  

Do you understand every book YOU read?  No!  Does that mean just because you don't understand physics or astronomy that what the writers say is false?  No!  So why do you think these men who wrote the Bible lied?  They didn't.  It's that simple.  There's so much proof of the Bible and when read correctly, science doesn't disprove it.  In fact, it actually upholds it.  Evolution of fish to man or slime to man has been proven false over and over. Get over it.  Even many scientists are saying we had to have had an intelligent designer, they just fall short of saying Creator Yawhey God!  

The plan of salvation is at the bottom of this blog.  Read it, trust it and accept it.  You don't have to change, God will change YOU and it will be fantastic.  Not perfect but so much better than what you have without Him.  Anyone who thinks that being a follower of Jesus Christ is slavery has never had a real encounter with Him.  It's 100% liberty.  Free of guilt, hate, anger and being happy with what you have.  Sin is slavery.  Money is slavery.  Christ Jesus is freedom.  Try it!  You will be pleasantly surprised!  God bless all.  I hope you'll at least watch some of the videos to see the truth of what's going on and how the Bible foretold it.  You want proof, watch and see.  God bless you all!

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