Sunday, September 4, 2016

WHY I HAVE LEFT THE CHURCH - By Brenda Alexander

I was raised in a church where the Word of God was preached, it wasn't watered-down to please the masses and it was never compromised.  Our church was broadcast every morning on a local channel.  It was not a mega-church by any means.  The pews were half empty but those who went, went to worship our Creator, our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. It was comprised of people who knew what it meant to be a Christian.  It wasn't about showing off your new, expensive clothes or a social gathering.  It was during the Vietnam War era and one night a week, all the women would come to the church and I'd tag along because I was my grandmother's shadow.  If you saw her, you saw me.  To this day, whenever I wonder what a TRUE Christian looks like, I see her face.  She's gone now for 30 years but she's in my heart, helping me in my walk.  I try to model my life after hers.  In my church, we served the Lord, not man.

I've been treated very harshly after finally living for Him for not going to church.  Oh, I've been to a few and what I found is a false doctrine of salvation, IF it's even preached anymore, a hurried sermon so they can get to their ice cream social or one where it's more entertaining and fun than hard-hitting.  I see people falling all over the floor, convulsing, running around churches barking all claiming to be under the power of the Holy Spirit. Benny Hinn, a well-known televangelist, actually killed an elderly woman by knocking her down in one of his church meetings.  I hear a bunch of people speaking in "tongues" and a whole lot of confusion.  God is not the author of confusion but of peace.  Many of these churches are not orderly or reverent.  I love the more contemporary Christian music myself but I love the old hymns too.  Music should set the tone for worship, not be the worship service.  I've been told I must do this or that or I don't have the Holy Spirit.  Well, the Word of God says different and that is His word, the final authority, not mans.  

I found a pastor that got annoyed when I asked too many questions, another that exalted himself above the mere members, another that after the sermon left so fast so that no one could speak to him.  I have no idea where he disappeared to as I never saw him again after that.  I never heard what God had to say, only what he said.  No make-up, no jewelry, no women wearing pants or shorts ever or allowed to sit on the front pew because women may cause men to "lust" by looking up the dresses.  God forbid man be held accountable for his own sins.  Oh, and you could not cut your hair!  One pastor even said he accidentally put on a pair of his wife's pants once and got so upset for accidentally wearing women's clothing. This is not the type of church I was raised in.  I believe in the 10 Commandments.  I believe the two greatest laws we have are to love God with all our heart mind and soul and to love others MORE than I love myself.  I believe in JOY - Jesus first; Others second; You last and that equals JOY.  Is me wearing a pair of jeans hurting another person?  Am I trying to appear to be a man?  Is my short hair me pretending or confusion about my gender?  No, it is impractical for me to have long hair as it is very thick and coarse.  I live in the most hot and humid state in America.  It causes me agony.  Am I hurting God, myself or another person by cutting my hair?  No!  Nowhere in the Bible does it say that a woman has to have long hair.  This verse is so twisted.  It's talking about men not having long hair but that if a woman does, it's her glory.  Women are allowed to have long hair, men are not. However, I do believe women and men should dress modestly.  It's Biblical and a safety issue as well.  

I read a letter of apology in a newsletter from a pastor to the church.  He said he understood why we left.  We left because they no longer taught true salvation; we watered-down the Word of God to bring in more people, wanting their ears tickled, so that they would give their 10% each week for a greedy church that preaches the false "law" of tithing and then turns around and uses it for personal gain, wealth and prosperity but not helping out their members.  He went on to tell that too many churches had bowed to the world, allowing gay marriages and couples to be members of God's church.  Homosexuals should always be welcomed in church because the Word of God is for the world, not just the saints.  That's the Bible's word for us, not mine, lol.  The sinners need to hear the truth.  Homosexuality is a sin but so is lying.  In fact, IF there be any greater sin, it would be a liar.  Liars kill, destroy and tear lives apart.  Gossip is evil.  How many marriages have been ruined by lies?  Pastors are found cheating on their wives, in jail for fraud and theft, yet still expect us to listen to them preach God's word.  

I am no saint.  I love Jesus Christ and He is my life.  I worship Him 24/7.  If I had to pick a certain day as a worship day, then that would be every single day of the week.  I cannot love Him, worship Him or be more Holy on the traditional Saturday Sabbath or the Christian day of worship on Sunday.  I just can't.  That, to me, is hypocrisy.  The true church of Christ is the Body of Christ, the disciples, the ones that live by every word of the Bible to the best of their human ability.  Yes, we all sin and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 8:23) but we are forgiven by the blood of Christ Jesus.  

We are taught that if we give money to them that God will return our money seven-fold or more.  Well, if that's why you give to the church, you'd be just as well off to invest that in the stock market or gold.  God loves a cheerful giver.  When I get a financial reward, I give back. do not believe that Jesus Christ ever told us to gain wealth.  If so, my Bible left off that verse.  It may be in a newer, more world-view Bible, written because the KJV is "offensive" to the world.  If you don't believe me and you read one of these new Bibles, check to see if Acts 8:37 is in there.  See if it says anywhere that says "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."  Usually verses 37-39 are condensed into one and that is left off because people say that by reciting this verse, they are admitting that Jesus Christ is the Son of God against their will.  Get real!  So, churches that use these new Bibles are compromising His Word.  Sure, new insight is being revealed almost daily into what the Holy Scriptures says but it does not CHANGE.  We change but God does not.  If lying, cheating, stealing, homosexuality, trans-gender, etc. was a sin when this Book was written, it is a sin today!  

I am tired of playing church.  I am tired of giving money to a pastor or church that lies to me, compromising God's word, puts their own brand of "holiness" on me and is simply in the business of making money.  I am not going to play Christian anymore.  I'm either going to follow Him all the days of my life or I'm going to be a part of this world.  If I'm blessed to find a church building that preaches the truth, that calls out sin, and teaches the true Gospel, I'll give him 30% of my increase.  In fact, I'll give him 50%.  My great commission is to spread the Good News of Christ Jesus in truth.  That I will do.  I will not lie, pretend or tell you what you want to hear to make you feel "better" about yourself.  If His word offends you, good.  hat's called conviction.  You SHOULD feel bad.  You MUST overcome your sins.  It won't happen overnight as many false preachers tell you or say you don't "trust Jesus" enough. We are justified at salvation, our lives are in the progress of sanctification through growth.  e grow, learn, make mistakes and we change gradually.  You can come to Christ Jesus a drug addict and He will accept you right then and there, JUST AS YOU ARE!  HE and HE alone will deliver you, change you and bring you into His perfect will for your life.  It will be His way, His time.  We have many lessons to learn, sin to overcome and the biggest one is our own self-righteousness.  He must bring us into perfect righteousness by the blood of Jesus Christ, not by our own works or holiness.  We cannot be righteous by any other means.  It's faith and grace.

So to all you Spiritual leaders, when you come back to Him and His Gospel, we will come back to you.  Until then, we will learn without you.  God does not forsake us.  He will lead us into the truth.  We want you but with God, we don't need your lies and false teachings or man-made rules.  Come back to the church of Philadelphia and we will come back to you.

God bless all!

"For ye are saved by GRACE through FAITH and not of yourselves.  It is a gift of God.  Not of works, nor deeds, lest any man should boast."  Ephesians 8:28-29

"For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."  Romans 3:23

"For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord."  Romans 6:23

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosever believeth on Him should not perish but have everylasting life."  John 3:16

Plan of Salvation:  First Corinthians 15:1-4

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