Saturday, September 3, 2016


Today, this world faces many crises.  One of the major ones is this "gender identity" issue. As a former employee in the medical field, being a male or female has nothing to do with feelings or emotions.  It is a matter of genetics.  Your body will be either male or female.  I guess I just don't understand what the confusion is all about.  I also don't understand why sex is being taught to kindergartners.  They don't understand and it only confuses them and most think it's "yucky."  Teaching them that it's "normal" to be attracted to the same sex and "okay" to have sex-change operations really bothers me, not morally but ethically right, regardless of your beliefs.  Children are just not old enough to comprehend this issue at this age.  I wasn't even sure I was going to post this until I saw the video I've included. This is not judgment or condemnation.

Most boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 12 don't like the other gender.  They tend to rather play with members of their own sex.  Since they haven't reached puberty and have no idea what "attraction" is, many may feel that since they prefer to "play" with their own genders that they must be a homosexual or "gay."  I simply don't believe that children at that age should be taught sex education, be it hetero- or homosexuality.  Bullying is a different story.  If a child has same-sex parents and others are bullying them because of that, it should be handled immediately and harshly.  This is not about bullying.  It's about having to live with natural consequences of our choices, be they good OR bad!  

I just read an article in Charisma Magazine that Target is taking a big hit in sales because many have chosen to boycott them because of their allowing men and women to use the same bathrooms.  People like Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner, who choose to change their gender know the consequences and some aren't going to be pleasant.  Many people simply aren't going to accept this as normal.  They will face ridicule.  I feel this is more than a moral issue here but more of a safety one.  

Men, such as Bruce Jenner, are well-built, athletic men and without hormone replacement therapy, their bodies are only going to produce male hormones.  It is medically proven that men who cannot naturally rid themselves of testosterone can become very violent, similar to roid-rage, which is taking steroids for body building.  He is now facing a prison sentence for vehicular manslaughter, although I'm not sure of the details.  He's afraid he'll have to go to a men's prison.  When does safety of others outweigh the needs of one?  Anyone can "pretend" to be gender-confused just to go into women's bathrooms to rape or assault women.  It's already happened at a few stores that allow this.  

Bruce Springsteen, a sell-out and way passed his "day in the sun," cancelled a concert in my home state of North Carolina recently, citing that he would not play his music for a state that supported bigotry.  Well, what the news failed to mention is that out of 10,000 seats, less than 4,000 had been sold.  It wasn't about bigotry, it was an excuse to get out of a concert that he would lose money on.  He was my "man" way back in the 80s.  I was in love with him, well the man he appeared to be.  He was for the "working man," a patriot, a man who cared about people.  Well, he cares about some but how much did he care about those who had bought tickets, the vendors, the security guards, hotels and all the other working people who had depended on him showing up to make money?  Apparently not very much.  Another Hollywood sell-out.  It's all about the fame, celebrity and money.  Yes, men and women are equal but we are not the same.  The sad fact is, ALL people have crosses to bear and sins we have to overcome. No sin is worse...or better...than any other.  We are all called to Him and if we allow Him to work in our lives, we can overcome anything.  Bad choices always lead to ruin.  Homosexuality, gambling, drug addiction, alcoholism, adultery, free sex, divorce...they all have serious consequences in our lives.  Christians are not exempt and there is nothing under the sun that cannot be forgiven or overcome.  Equality does not mean we are no different.  I've talked with many men and they all say the same thing, they don't want women in their bathrooms either.  They like their privacy just as much as women do.  Wouldn't a very simple and fair way is to provide a separate bathroom with just one facility so that men or women with children of the opposite sex can safely allow their children to use a bathroom alone?  My son did not want to go into the women's bathroom after the age of 4.  However, I felt I had no choice.  Allowances can be made without violating the privacy and safety of others.

Kim Davies, a Christian woman who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses was persecuted by the law and the media.  What was not told was that this couple had driven through 2 other towns to come specifically to her, knowing her stance on this.  They did it for show.  Also, before accepting her position, she informed them that if gay marriage became legal, she would not participate in it.  She was assured that a provision would be made so that she didn't have to have her name assigned to them.  She was later vindicated and allowances were made so that she didn't have to go against her conscience but others in the office were willing to give out licenses.  I thought this was fair and just to all.  It is my belief that marriages are made in Heaven.  Having a "legal contract" on earth to protect assets doesn't affect me.  I don't have to marry anyone.  I also don't have to participate or celebrate it either and I don't feel anyone, regardless of their beliefs, should be forced to bake cakes or in any way participate in anything that goes against their conscience.  A Muslim or Jewish restaurant should not have to serve pork if they don't want to.  A Christian store shouldn't have to either.  If they want fairness for their world-views, there must also be fairness for those of us with Spiritual POVs.  Fair is fair and to have it any other way would be a huge violation of our rights.  Heterosexual marriages should be celebrated and honored too.  Yes, homosexuality is a sin but so is murder, stealing, adultery, sex outside of marriage and if any sin be worse than all others it would have to be LYING.  Lies destroy more than any other sin.

I have a family member that is gay.  I love them very much.  Her marriage ended in a divorce.  The facts don't lie, most of them do.  Of course, most heterosexual marriages do as well.  Maybe it's not only who we marry but how we view marriage that is wrong.  I've been divorced twice because I made some very unwise decisions in my youth and I paid the price.  I will be married to my current husband for 28 years in a week.  We should not have made it but we did.  There's a lot to be said for endurance.  My marriage is radically different than it was when we first got married.  Today, we are on our honeymoon.  No kids, our finances are stable if not secure, and we love to be with each other and it's not about sex anymore.  

Maybe we should re-examine what our own marriages to see how we are teaching our children what lifetime commitments should be like.  We should teach by example.  Husbands, love your wives like Christ Jesus loves His church.  Women, respect your husband.  Whether he is the main provider or not, he needs to feel like he's taking care of his family.  It is essential to his mental health.  Neither man or woman has the right to abuse the other and cheating on your spouse will tear your marriage apart, even if you stay together.  Trust is a very fragile thing and once lost, almost impossible to ever regain.  Strive for 50!

Never compromise your standards, the Word of God or water it down.  We are to have compassion and love for those who are gender-confused, gay or bi-sexual.  We are not their judges.  We are to teach them the Gospel and let go and let God.  We are to love them just as we love everyone else.  They should never be persecuted, especially by Christians.  We are to be like Christ Jesus.  He didn't condemn the adulteress and neither should we!

Written by:  Brenda Alexander

Note:  If you reshare, please remove my name, my blog or any identifying information for the privacy of my family!  Thank you!

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